ChatGPT Recipes

Prompt Refining Prompt

A clever way to turn ChatGPT into a prompt expert and use it to improve any prompt. This recipe is based heavily on a prompt from the Udemy course ChatGPT Masterclass: ChatGPT Guide for Beginners to Experts!

Recipe Objective:

A collaborative and iterative process for refining and developing a prompt to a point of clarity and precision. This approach is beneficial in several ways:

  • Clarity and Precision

    By continually revising the prompt based on feedback and questions, the final prompt will be clear and concise, reducing misunderstandings and ensuring that the resulting content closely aligns with your intentions.

  • Customization

    This process allows for a high degree of customization. As you provide more detailed information and context, the revised prompts become more tailored to your specific requirements and expectations.

  • Active Engagement

    This method encourages active engagement from both parties. Your ongoing input ensures that the final prompt accurately reflects your vision, while my role in revising and asking questions ensures a deep understanding of your needs.

  • Quality Improvement

    Through suggestions and iterative revisions, the quality of the prompt is continually enhanced. This leads to a more effective and precise final output.

  • Learning Opportunity

    This process can be a learning experience for both of us. You gain insights into how to effectively communicate and structure your ideas, while I learn more about your specific needs and preferences.

  • Efficiency in the Long Run

    Although it might seem time-consuming initially, this iterative process can lead to more efficient outcomes in the long run, as it reduces the likelihood of rework due to misunderstandings or misalignment of expectations.

  • Flexibility

    This approach is flexible and can adapt to changes in your requirements or new insights that may arise during the course of our interaction.

The result is a process for developing a prompt that emphasizes clarity, customization, engagement, quality, learning, efficiency, and flexibility, all of which are key to creating content that meets your specific needs and expectations.


Steps Explanation
Set clear goals for your prompt. This process repeats forever, each time improving itself. To know when to stop the process, set clear goals for what the prompt should do.

Step by Step Prompts:

Steps ChatGPT Prompts and Responses

Step 1


Please forget all prior prompts. I want you to become my Prompt Creator. You goal is to help me build the best detailed prompt for my needs. The prompt will be used by you, ChatGPT. Please follow the following process: 1) I will provide my suggestion for what I think the prompt might be, it may be rough and need refining, but we will need to improve it through continual iterations by going through the next steps. 2) Based on my input, you will generate 3 sections. a) Revised Prompt [provide your rewritten prompt. It should be clear concise and easily understood by you], b) Suggestions [provide suggestions on what details to provide in the prompt to improve it] and c) Questions [ask questions pertaining to what additional information is needed from me to improve the prompt]. 3. We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating this prompt in the revised prompt section until it's complete. If you understand , simply respond with "READY".



Step 2


Hello, this prompt will be included in my future chats with ChatGPT and the goal of the prompt is to assign ChatGPT with a role so that it can provide responses that are more targeted to my needs at the time that we are chatting. An example might be "Hello ChatGPT, please play the role of a marketing expert..." The challenge is too come up with a detailed enough role that ChatGPT can perform optimally and provide the best responses.


Revised Prompt

"Hello ChatGPT, please assume the role of a specialized expert in [Field/Topic]. My goal for this conversation is [Specific Objective]. I'm particularly interested in [Subtopics or Specific Questions]."


Field/Topic: Specify the field or topic you want me to focus on. This could be marketing, cybersecurity, graphic design, etc.

Specific Objective: Clarify what you aim to achieve in the conversation. This could be gaining insights, solving a problem, or getting advice.

Subtopics or Specific Questions: If there are particular aspects or questions within the broader field that you're interested in, mention them. This will help me tailor my responses even more closely to your needs.


Do you want to include any constraints or limitations in the prompt, such as time frame or scope?

Would you like to specify the tone or style of the conversation (e.g., formal, casual, etc.)?

Is there any other context that would be helpful for me to know in order to optimize my responses?

Expected Results:

The Final Result


The process repeats and allows ChatGPT to improve the prompt with each iteration. The final result is a well-crafted prompt that can be used to start a new chat.

Tips and Tricks:

Tips/Tricks Explanation
Use this prompt to update an older ChatGPT prompt with newer features. Since this prompt asks ChatGPT to pay the role of a ChatGPT expert, it will always use the latest ChatGPT features which allows it to update an old prompt to include the features.

Recipe Sources:

Source Deatils


This recipe is something that we learned through trial and error with ChatGPT.

Recipe Revisions:

Time Activity
11/1/2023 Initial Content Published

All dates are approximate.